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––from home or office


and even confer with consulting nurses regarding calls.


and even confer with consulting nurses regarding calls.

Proprietary Systems

Prior to developing the proprietary systems we presently use to perform telephonic triage, Night Nurse reviewed off-the-shelf, commercial programs, finding they did not meet the needs for an efficient triage process or today's higher technology systems environment.

To meet those needs, we have developed Night Nurse “Client”, which enables our triage team, to provide responsive and qualitative triage encounters for your patients.

Night Nurse “Client” continually monitors trending call volume by nurse and by state, and alerts our dispatch staff to impending needs for additional nursing support. On-Call nurses are always available, to provide support during spikes in call volume, to insure we maintain call response times. The dispatch team is provided with a full view of all call activity, to insure that calls are responded to timely and with priority of concern.

Our systems can provide customized reports, to analyze data that is most important to your practice. Reports such as ER Utilization most often used protocols or call response times are among reports available.

System Back-Up

Night Nurse systems are backed up by redundant servers, in the case of technology failure.

On site servers backed up by cloud servers insure continuous operation, with greater than 99.99% system availability.

Power is guaranteed through deployment of both short-term and long term solutions. All computers and servers are equipped with battery backup, to bridge temporary losses of power. Long term loss of power from weather emergencies or power grid failures are mitigated by an on-site natural gas powered generator, insuring all critical systems are up and running through unexpected events.

Connectivity is reliably assured through multiple Internet Service Providers, including the ability to utilize 4G mobile technology if telephone wires are down.

Telephone Services

Phone service is supplied by multiple vendors, to protect against the loss of service by any one provider. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology is utilized to move calls to nurses who can most quickly respond. Because our nurses are located in many regions of the country, Night Nurse can readily assure the availability of nurses when one region of the country is affected by weather or catastrophic events that cause loss of local services.

Our telecommunications are fully integrated with Night Nurse “Client”, allowing triage calls to be recorded or monitored, for quality assurance or review of practice concerns.

Consult calls to on call physicians from our nurses are received via a single easily recognizable phone number. If physician wishes to speak with patient directly, our nurses can patch your call directly to the patient, to save time and effort.



Introducing Night Nurse Physician Client!

After triaging near two million patient calls, and taking our subscribing physician’s needs into account, Night Nurse is the first triage service provider to offer HIPAA compliant physician portals. Portals are PC based applications that allow physicians real-time access to their Patient Triage Encounter Reports from home or the office. Physicians can monitor, review, print and confer with triaging nurses, about patient calls. Office staff can review reports from last night, last week or last month, with easy to use applications that provide access to the information you need, when you need it.

For Further information contact:

Stuart Pologe, CEO

Nursing Triage Services

Night Nurse Inc.

508-650-0022 (office) Or email: info@nightnursetriage.com

Quick Quote rapid response inquiries are answered within 24 hrs.


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