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The Affordable Care Act will potentially add 25-30 million patients seeking delivery of healthcare services from an already limited number of primary care physicians.  In response to the impending influx of new patients and increased demand for primary care services, hospital administrations are considering, or in process of implementing, team based coordinated care commonly referred to as the Medical Home Model, in order to optimize health system performance and patient healthcare experience.

The Medical Home fosters 24/7/365 communication between patients and medical professionals for continuity of primary care, which includes telephone triage for supportive healthcare advice and appropriate ER utilization.

In line with this pursuit to assure a “seamless journey” through the overall healthcare system, telephone triage has become a highly sought after resource as an integral, virtual clinical component of the Medical Home model healthcare system. 

Night Nurse cost-effectively provides the highest standard of telephone triage for growing numbers of sentinel medical facilities throughout the United States.  We affordably deliver competitive qualitative triage services to assist the primary care workforce, easing the impending burden upon physicians by providing prompt patient access to reliable frontline professional care advice and reducing pressure at higher levels of care.

Unique among triage providers with a national footprint, Night Nurse offers specialized separately staffed pediatric and adult triage services.  More efficient patient/caregiver consultations and triage results in lowering the number of unnecessary ER visits, opening up ER capacity and allowing ER physicians to focus on those patients requiring emergent care.  Benefits are generally improved patient access to healthcare and earlier attention to patients in need of physician-provided ER care.

Our advanced EMR compatible systems and 24/7/365 communication capacities support fast call response and prompt physician receipt of detail-rich patient triage reports.  Unique real time access to patient triage encounters via HIPAA secure portals and optional call recording are added assets afforded Night Nurse Subscribers.

By consistently meeting or exceeding patient and subscriber expectations, Night Nurse has earned trust and favorable referrals from the medical communities we serve.

Thank you for considering the possibility of having Night Nurse join your healthcare team.


Tami E. Regan, RN, CHT

Director, Nursing Triage Services,

Night Nurse Inc.



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